Massage Therapy with Beth
My background as a yoga teacher enhances my massage therapy practice with indepth knowledge of body mechanics, physiology, kineseology, and relaxation techniques.
I received a triple-certification at the Academy of Somatic Healing Arts in Atlanta, GA in 1993 in Neuromuscular, Sports Clinical and Swedish Massage with additional certification training at the Kripalu School of Massage in 1995 and have over 3,000 hours of hands-on massage experience. I am currently taking a rest break. Below are my areas of expertise.
- Neuromuscular Massage is a very deep tissue massage working with the musculature of the body and nerve pathways. Chronic tension is relieved and natural muscle tone is restored. The practitioner is thoroughly educated in anatomy and physiology and can assist with pain relief of such ailments as TMJ, carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness and tingling, by massaging muscle tissue along nerve pathways.
- Swedish Massage is a gentle, soothing massage. Deeply nurturing and restorative to the body, mind and spirit, the massage also directs blood and lymph fluid toward the heart and is thereby excellent for circulation and relaxation.
- Sports Clinical Massage is performed most often before or after an athletic event. The massage therapist focuses on massage strokes intending to cleanse the muscle tissue of lactic acid build up and to massage muscle groups that suffer from over use during sports. Sports injuries can be assisted with the therapeutic application of sports massage, restoring flexibility and mobility.
- Therapeutic Touch is a healing modality working with the body’s subtle energies and the texture of these energies. The practitioner seeks to “feel” the energetic disturbances and disharmonies in the body with their hands. The practitioner intends to “unfluff” dense energy fields through intentionality and exchange of energy, clearing the auric field, creating harmony to assist in relieving pain and imbalance.
- Reflexology is an ancient practice involving applying pressure to specific points on the feet and hands to stimulate organ systems in the body, and free the flow of energy to constricted areas of the body.
- Meditation Instruction involves coming into stillness and observing the flow of one’s breath. Stilling the body in an attempt to still and quiet the mind. The benefits of meditation are endless– relaxation, stress reduction, focus, lower blood pressure, connecting deeply to one’s self, heightened awareness.
- Pranayama involves focussed yogic breathing techniques which facilitate deep relaxation and stimulation of the pineal gland, and is energetically cleansing. Very calming.
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